Monday 20 June 2011

Final Work

Final work, taken at the rocks markets in Sydney, text reads:
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
Imagination encirlces the world
Carpe Omnios

Monday 6 June 2011


HDR images taken whilst in Sydney at one stop above and below, adjusted in photoshop.

Monday 23 May 2011

Photo Filter Set

Three photo series, lens on a table. Images desaturated and hand coloured, followed by some healthy brightness, contrast, levels and exposure adjustment.

Photo Merge

Photo merge of images taken during class. There are 4 me's in total throughout the image, cut out using the pen tool with a light feather to help them blend. Adjusted usual settings and added a sepia filter to tidy it all up.

Monday 2 May 2011

Guitar Hero

My third visual pun, 'Guitar Hero', just a quick pen tool around the guitar then reverse selection to get rid of the parts of the superman crest I didn't want. I considered giving it a cape and epic muscles but it was just a bit too much.

Pirate Radio

Second visual pun, 'Pirate Radio' not quite as well done as the first but finding an eye patch to fit a radio is rather difficult.

A Fork in the Road

My first visual pun, 'A Fork in the Road', pen tool, magic wand and some adjustment to make it all fit.

Monday 7 March 2011


Image of me, can't say I'm particularly pleased to have to use myself as a model. Intensified the contrast and cleaned my face up a bit because I could. Softened the background, dragged out the saturation and added a nice cross process filter which I then desaturated further to provide the lovely washed out image before you.

Monday 28 February 2011

Evie in Blue

Photo of my very good friend Eve taken mid 2010. Killed the saturation then added an intense cyan adjustment followed by a light sepia to take the edge off.